As the name suggests the company was initially formed with a strong focus on IT Support. We very quickly diversified driven by our customer’s requirements to offer the Complete IT Solution. So not to lose sight of our beginnings, the directors decided not to rebrand the company with a “techie” play on words but instead keep with IT Support Limited. We just want to Support you with all of your IT requirements.
IT Support Limited (ITSL) delivers high-end technical solutions across the whole breadth of IT. We pride ourselves in the attention to detail we dedicate to all of our services and solutions, you can rest assured that we will be available when you need to call on us.
Working with leading hardware and software vendors we are able to design and implement a truly tailored solution or service Our investment in vendor accreditations confirms our willingness and dedication in working to industry best practice.
Our team of UK based software developers have created a variety of systems that have saved our customers huge amounts of time and expense. Carefully analysing your requirement in the first instance we produce a functional specification that you agree to and then we build.
Utilising various remote desktop technologies we offer a very high standard of remote helpdesk support covering your core business hours.